Missouri Constitutional Convention Scholarship*
1820 Constitutional Convention
Belko, W.S., 2006. The Invincible Duff Green: Whig of the West. University of Missouri Press.
Lehmann, F.W., 1921. The Constitution of 1820. Missouri Historical Review, 16, pp.239-46.
Shoemaker, F.C., 1911. First constitution of Missouri: a study of its origin (Doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri).
1845 Constitutional Convention
1865 Constitutional Convention
1875 Constitutional Convention
Loeb, I., 1920. Journal, Missouri Constitutional Convention of 1875: With an Historical Introduction on Constitutions and Constitutional Conventions in Missouri (Vol. 1). State Historical Society of Missouri.
1922-3 Constitutional Convention
Hollingsworth, W.W., 1924. The New Constitution Proposed for Missouri. Nat’l Mun. Rev., 13, p.96.
Kirkendall, R.S., 2004. A history of Missouri (Vol. 5). University of Missouri Press.
Loeb, I., 1924. The Missouri Constitutional Convention. American Political Science Review, 18(1), pp.18-33.
1943-4 Constitutional Convention
Blake, R.E. and Bradshaw, W.L., 1948. The convention goes to work. National Municipal Review, 37(3), pp.145-149.
Bradshaw, W.L., 1945. Missouri’s proposed new constitution. American Political Science Review, 39(1), pp.61-65.
Bradshaw, W.L., 1945. Constitutional Revision in a Southern State. Tenn. L. Rev., 19, p.734.
Cox, E.C., 1954. Origin, drafting, and ratification of the Missouri Constitution of 1945. Washington University in St. Louis.
Dyer, J., 2018. Constitutional Revision in Missouri: The Convention of 1943-44. Show-Me-Institute.
Faust, M.L., 1941. Popular Sovereignty in Missouri. Wash. ULQ, 27, p.312.
Faust, M.L., 1946. Reorganization in Missouri. National Municipal Review, 35(8), pp.402-407.
Kirkendall, R.S., 2004. A history of Missouri (Vol. 5). University of Missouri Press.
Loeb, T., 1944. Constitution by convention. Nat’l Mun. Rev., 33, p.26.
Loeb, T., 1945. New constitution for Missouri. Nat’l Mun. Rev., 34, p.178.
Schmandt, H.J., 1949. Missouri’s Non-Partisan Constitutional Convention. Intramural L. Rev. St. Louis U., 1, p.95.
Winn, K., 1999. It All Adds Up: Reform and the Erosion of Representative Government in Missouri, 1900-2000. Official Manual of the State of Missouri, 1999-2000.
Scholarly Compendiums
Connor, G.E. and Hammons, C.W. eds., 2008. The Constitutionalism of American States (Vol. 1). University of Missouri Press.
Cox, E.C., 1954. Origin, drafting, and ratification of the Missouri Constitution of 1945. Washington University in St. Louis.
Loeb, I., 1920. Journal, Missouri Constitutional Convention of 1875: With an Historical Introduction on Constitutions and Constitutional Conventions in Missouri (Vol. 1). State Historical Society of Missouri.
Kirkendall, R.S., 2004. A history of Missouri (Vol. 5). University of Missouri Press.
Nagel, P.C., 1977. Missouri: A bicentennial history. WW Norton & Company.
Parrish, W.E., Christensen, L.O. and Lookingbill, B.D., 2019. Missouri: The heart of the nation. John Wiley & Sons.
Swindler, W.F., 1958. Missouri Constitutions: History, Theory and Practice. Mo. L. REv., 23, p.32.
Popular Compendiums
Gerber, Cameron, A look at Missouri’s first constitution, The Missouri Times, July 19, 2020.
Karsch, R.F., 1960. A Missouri Constitutional Convention in 1963. Mo. L. Rev., 25, p.50.
J.H. Snider Note: Given that Missouri’s so-called 1861-3 “constitutional convention” was not popularly called, did not claim to pass any constitutional changes, and did not propose any constitutional changes for popular approval, I have not included it here. It functioned like a provisional government, not what I would define as a constitutional convention.
Missouri’s 1908 Initiative
Hardy, R.J., Dohm, R.R. and Leuthold, D.A. eds., 1995. Missouri government and politics. University of Missouri Press.
Houghton, N.D., 1923. The Initiative and Referendum in Missouri (Doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri–Columbia).
Piott, S.L., 2003. Giving Voters a Choice: The Origins of the Initiative and Referendum in America. University of Missouri.
Winn, K., 1999. It All Adds Up: Reform and the Erosion of Representative Government in Missouri, 1900-2000. Official Manual of the State of Missouri, 1999-2000.